Historic Meeting September 2024

Saturday 28th September 2024 saw a very unique and historic event in the history of Crest of Mount Edgcumbe Lodge. We undertook two ceremonies in the one meeting. Firstly we raised Brother Julian Bertie to the degree of a Master Mason on behalf of McMahon Lodge, this was done under the auspices of the 86 St James association who promote visiting between the Lodges that meet at Mark Mason’s hall in St James St London SW1A 1PL. The ceremony was carried out by W.Bro David Wilmot, our Worshipful Master, assisted by his officers and also officers from McMahon Lodge. Then after a short break for tea we Initiated Mr Connor Read into the Crest of Mount Edgcumbe Lodge No 7431. This ceremony was carried out by W.Bro Andy Symonds our IPM , again assisted by our officers and also an officer from McMahon Lodge. The Working tools were presented by a visitor, Bro Amir, who initially introduced Connor to our Lodge. After the meeting we all retired to the bar for a well earned drink! Members of both Lodges then joined together for a very convivial Festive Board of a sumptuous carvery. The raffle was very well supported again by both Lodges and everyone went home tired but happy after a truly memorable day.

Below are images from the day showing the officers with Bro Connor and W. Bro David , also individual images of Connor with W.Bro David Wilmot and W.Bro Andy Symonds